100 Day Fitness Challenge has Begun!

Three friends & I started a 100 Day Challenge yesterday which is taking us up to Christmas (pretty good timing if I do say so myself!). I’ve done something similar before but it was a standard challenge where everyone was doing the same reps/cardio and also had a separate challenge to complete on a daily basis. We have each tailored this one to our starting points and what we want to achieve by the end of it. My goals are as follows:

100 Days of Exercise
Press ups
Tricep dips
AB’s (mixture of AB exercises)

This means one day I will have to complete one of each rep & 1 min of cardio and another day complete 100 of each rep & 100mins of cardio – get the idea? 🙂

I have also set the following extra goals:
Share two gratitude’s daily
Sugar free (as in the refined nasty stuff) 5 days each week
Be under 70kg at the end of the challenge

Yesterday morning I weighed in and did some measurements, I will be taking more at the end and hopefully have some great comparison stats to share with you all!

Thanks to Emily we have these cute wee posters to keep track of which day we have ticked off, as well as having our goals in writing to look at daily. I also bought myself a little whiteboard for exercise plans, including the number of reps/cardio I am hoping to get done 🙂


Food wise I’ve been experimenting a bit in the last week or so. I attempted to make some peanut butter last night, it tastes like the real thing but I couldn’t get it ridiculously smooth but I like crunchy anyway though! Excuse the ‘Jam’ label haha


Also made a raw brownie for when I’m really feeling like a sweet treat. Essentially it’s the same ingredients that go into cacao balls and they are always good!


Tried my first green smoothie yesterday morning. I’ll admit it wasn’t my favourite but I need to try out some more ingredients, this one only had kale (which I’ve only had a couple of times), pear, banana, coconut water & a few ice cubes. First ideas are more ice and maybe freeze some of the fruit as it was quite watery in texture. I could feel the kale texture more than my go to smoothie that contains spinach, another thing I’d have to use to (or just wiz it longer).


I should really rename this post FOOD by the number of pictures above… Can’t help that the beginning of the week is prep time!

Tonight I had a PT session with Ben, he had a new program for me so I got to try two new exercises – overhead press & rack deadlifts. We have been focusing on form and movement so this was the first time I’ve really got into some gritty stuff and I really enjoyed it (well most of it, last couple reps are always a love/hate relationship).

Tomorrow will be my first run of the week, looking forward to it 🙂

What do you put in a green smoothie?

Have you every participated in some sort of fitness challenge?

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